The Special 25th Anniversary edition of the International Circus Festival of Italy will be celebrated by performances in the ring of the very best representatives of Italy’s most prominent historical Circus families: this year’s Festival is honoured by the presence of renowned performer FLAVIO TOGNI, who will be representing his celebrated Circus family as Special Guest at the event.

La speciale 25^ edizione dell’International Circus Festival of Italy intende suggellare la particolare ricorrenza accogliendo in pista i massimi rappresentanti delle famiglie che hanno fatto la Storia del Circo italiano: al mitico FLAVIO TOGNI, rappresentante della celeberrima famiglia del Circo, saranno riservati quest’anno gli onori che la pista del Festival tributa ai suoi ospiti più importanti.

The Special 25th Anniversary edition of the International Circus Festival of Italy will be celebrated by performances in the ring of the very best representatives of Italy’s most prominent historical Circus families: this year’s Festival is honoured by the presence of renowned performer FLAVIO TOGNI, who will be representing his celebrated Circus family as Special Guest at the event.

cs 13 – 26.08.24 PRODUCTION NOTE 13

Associazione Giulio Montico – Indirizzo: Via Acque Alte, km 0.500, 04010 Borgo Piave 04100 Italia Partita IVA: 02067380598
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